They risk suffering adverse cardiovascular, respiratory and dermatological side effects following exposure to the organic solvents, acids and alkalis used in the manufacture of meth.
There are an increasing number of houses that have been used to manufacture meth or "p". These could include rental properties and houses which are on the market for sell. In the Kapiti coast, it's estimated that close to 40% of the houses have a "p" history. No wonder why "p" tests are now a common pre-condition when you set an offer for buying a house.
Remediation of such house can be costly and substantial. There are clear Ministry of
Health guidelines about the target level of decontamination of such a house.
Today meth use in NZ, estimated at between 1-2% of the population.
here are some interesting links:
Kapiti family homeless after buying meth-contaminated house in Waikanae
Hamilton woman's shock at P-contaminated home
More than $1.1 million for Auckland state house, decontaminated for P and still affected by lead
Empty house next to Taranaki school tests positive for methamphetamine
More than $500,000 for Auckland P house
How to spot a P-contaminated house before buying
Methamphetamine contamination - Auckland council
Renting a property affected by methamphetamine (‘P’)